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Planner Crafter Tales is an Arts and Crafts blog that talks about Creative Planning and arts and crafts supplies, shops, DIY and more. It is owned by Aika Loraine who has been blogging since she-cannot-even-remember when. She is a former lifestyle and personal blogger who is now focusing on her 2 blogs: The Foodista Crawler (Food and Travel) and PCT

Aika Loraine has worked on and is an affiliate of various brands as below:


This blog is open to sponsors, affiliates, product reviews, collaborations, paid advertisements and interviews. 

She is very much willing to get sample products she can use to design her planners. Anything about papers-she can get her hands dirty to it!

PCT is making their blog posts as Sponsored Posts on Facebook and Instagram. This drives more link clicks on PCT.

For enquiries, e-mail Aika Loraine at: